March 14, 2010

Victory is Mine!

I was able to find in my many stops yesterday at area grocery stores three big finds! First, I found Ketchup that was Organic, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, and completely free of any starches, rice, etc. It is at Sprouts. I will take a photo and post later. I thought for sure Trader Joes would have something but it did not.

The other major find was a Fruit Spread (Jam, Jelly, etc) that had no was Gluten Free, Sugar Free (aka no added sugar), and had no preservatives or chemicals. Again, Sprouts had such a product in the one flavor we like -- Strawberry. I will post a photo and the brand name later.

Lastly, I had been on the hunt for Jicama. This root vegetable is hard to find in a regular grocery. I checked Safeway (two), Trader Joes, Fresh & Easy and Sprouts. Of course, Sprouts had this hard to find item. Never had I seen one up close and personal so I took a photo for the blog

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